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IP Geolocation Database: How to Use It to Prevent Media Theft

Media theft is every streaming and content provider’s nightmare. And that’s not surprising given that practically all movies, TV shows, or songs have been downloaded illegally at least once. That translates to lost income not only on the streaming provider’s part but also on that of the content’s creator.

Over time, in fact, we’ve witnessed several big names suffer from media theft with disastrous consequences. We named a few high-profile cases below.

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How Advertisers Can Prevent Click Fraud By Using IP Geolocation Database

Ever noticed how you search for something on Google, and then you watch YouTube and see ads related to it? Or how, for some reason, your Facebook feed fills up with videos related to the last post you opened? That’s how advertising works these days.

Today’s advertisers scan your search history to get an idea of what products or services you may be looking for. And that’s made possible by technologies that include IP geolocation. The sad part is that not all advertisers are worth trusting. Some may just be in it for the money and use an age-old tactic we now know as click fraud.

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How IP Geolocation Can Improve Your Defense in Depth (DiD) Strategy

The latest stats reveal that a cyberattack happens every 39 seconds worldwide. Therefore, it isn’t surprising why cybersecurity experts say that one single approach to cyber defense is no longer enough. These days most cybersecurity solution providers tout the use of multilayered defense or employment of the so-called ‘defense in depth’ (DiD) strategy.

But what is a DiD strategy? Do organizations really need it? And how does an IP geolocation database figure in it? This post will discuss the answers.

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How IP Geolocation Databases Can Help You Geolocate Routers

Did you know that any Internet-enabled device gets its own IP address when it accesses anything online? That includes your router, which acts as your home network’s hub. It connects your home network comprising smart devices, mobile phones, laptops, shared storage drives, and all other gadgets connected to the Internet.

Each device gets a private IP address and a public one. It is necessary so that the private IP address can identify a system within the home network. Supposing all your devices had the same IP address, how would you connect a printer to your computer? You may as well be asking your smart refrigerator to print a document. And so, all networks have several private IP addresses to identify all connected devices.

All of your router-connected devices, however, share a public IP address—that of your router, which comes preassigned by your Internet service provider (ISP). That IP address allows vendors and pretty much everyone you interact with online to track your geolocation.

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Everything You Need to Know about IP Geolocation Database

IP geolocation technology is not a new concept. In fact, it has been around for over a decade now and is widely used globally for various purposes. Yet not all are aware of what IP technology really does and how IP geolocation databases, when used appropriately, can actually serve to improve an organization’s business potential. In this post, we’ll provide you with an exhaustive list of things you need to know about IP geolocation databases.

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How a Geolocation Database Helps Detect Online Fraud

IP intelligence obtained from an IP geolocation database can help combat online fraud, and that isn’t just a band-aid solution to the growing problem.

Geolocation databases are a real solution to a real problem. In fact, IP geolocation databases can even help pinpoint the location of phishing threats and, therefore, prevent such crime from happening. Similarly, it can detect online fraud and thereby reduce risks.

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How IP Geolocation Tools Can Help You Prevent Phishing Attacks

Phishing’s roots are traceable as far back as the early 90s when a group of hackers known as the “Warez Community” launched an attack against America Online (AOL) users. In what was dubbed one the first phishing attacks (if not the first), the perpetrators developed a program to come up with randomly generated credit card numbers so they could create fake AOL accounts. They then used these accounts to spam users and scammed them into giving out personal information.

Decades after, the threat remains in use for one simple reason—phishing does work. But like many attack types, it has since evolved to take on more sinister forms or work on any kind of communication device. Regardless of innovations, though, phishing is preventable with the help of IP geolocation tools like an IP Geolocation API or a IP Geolocation Database.

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What is Carding and How to Prevent it in Your Online Store

This year, experts expect the total global card loss to exceed $35 billion. As the number of card holders increases, so does the amount lost to fraudulent transactions. In 2019, for instance, for every $100 sale, almost $6 was lost to fraud. The losses stemmed from counterfeiting, card-not-present (CNP), fraudulent application, lost and stolen card, card-not-received, and other fraud categories.

Like most cybercrime forms, card fraud can be avoided with the help of technologies such as IP Geolocation API or IP Geolocation Database. We’ll discuss how in more detail later. First, let’s define carding, which accounts for much of the card fraud we have seen.

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Everything You Need to Know About Our IP Geolocation Database

An IP address is an invaluable source of user insight for various businesses, such as e-commerce sites, threat intelligence providers, and digital marketing agencies. With IP data, entities can conduct different activities that range from catching criminals to capturing leads in new markets.

To support this, we here at geo.ipify.org have dedicated time and effort to build a comprehensive database that encompasses more than 30 million IP records spread across 250 countries over the years. But what does that mean from a user’s standpoint?

This article discusses the functionality and the compelling benefits that an IP geolocation database such as IP Geolocation Data Feed has to offer.

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